RStoreFRA [250GB]

R 349.00 /mo
Most Popular
Most Popular
Data stored in a Secure and Redundant Data Center
(Frankfurt, Germany)

RStoreLON [250GB]

R 349.00 /mo
Most Popular
Most Popular
Data stored in a Secure and Redundant Data Center
(London, England)

RStoreLON [500GB]

R 599.00 /mo
Data stored in a Secure and Redundant Data Center
(London, England)

RStoreLON [750GB]

R 849.00 /mo
Data stored in a Secure and Redundant Data Center
(London, England)

RStoreLON [1TB]

R 1099.00 /mo
Data stored in a Secure and Redundant Data Center
(London, England)

RStoreJHB [Microsoft365]

R 79.00 /mo
    Included with your backup
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    Frequently Ask Questions
    A backup ensures that your critical data is safely stored and recoverable in case of hardware failure, accidental deletion, cyberattacks, or natural disasters. Regular backups provide peace of mind and protect your business continuity by allowing you to restore lost data quickly.
    The frequency of backups depends on the nature of your business and data volume. It’s recommended to schedule backups at least daily or more frequently if your data changes often. With our flexible backup options, you can customize the frequency to fit your needs.
    Our backup solution supports a wide range of data types, including files, databases, emails, and even entire servers. Whether it’s business documents or large databases, we provide scalable storage options to accommodate all your data backup needs.

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